2025 is going to be another packed year – the calendar is filling up already. Here's where we'll be:
14-16 FebNorma Testival
Norma, ITALY
14-16 MarchStubai CupNeustift im Stubaital, AUSTRIA
19-23 MarchVagamon International Accuracy CupVagamon, INDIA
12-20 AprilOstertestivalSillian, AUSTRIA
16-21 AprilTrofeo MontegrappaBassano del Grappa, ITALY
1-4 MayParaglider Testival KössenKössen, AUSTRIA
7-9 JuneFlying High TestivalMayrhofen, AUSTRIA
28-29 JuneElztalfliegerElzach, GERMANY
2-8 AugustBGD WeightlessLaragne-Monteglin, FRANCE
16-21 SeptemberCoupe IcareSaint Hilaire du Touvet, FRANCE