Henry George

united kingdom

Henry first learnt to fly paragliders in Chamonix at the age of 16, but It wasn’t until several years later that he began to progress his flying while living in the Brecon Beacons National Park in the UK. With an abundance of flying in Henry's back yard, he focusses on hike & fly, XC and adventure-based projects. Henry has a love of mountain sports and paragliding felt like the missing piece of the jigsaw. Once he realised what was possible his attention turned to combining his love of flying with other mountain sports to create new & unique opportunities for photo, film & writing. Henry's latest project explores the 'state of flow' where he will be combining paragliding & fly fishing in the Triglav national park, Slovenia. Henry's flying goals are to progress to longer vol-biv expeditions and to venture to more remote locations across the globe, as well as explore more of the European alps combining more technical mountaineering and flying opportunities. Outside of the sport Henry works as a professional photographer, videographer & writer based in Wales, where he lives with his partner Josie.


  • Âge : 28
  • Vole depuis : : 2011
  • Equipement actuel : Lynx 2
  • Sites fréquentés : Llangorse, Brecon Beacons - my own back yard!
  • Métier : Photographer, Videographer & Writer
  • Passions : Mountain biking, ski touring, trail running, climbing
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Equipement préféré :


A State of Flow | Paragliding & Fly Fishing – Triglav National Park, Slovenia


FLOW STATE; "A state in which people are so involved in an activity that nothing else seems to matter. The experience is so enjoyable that people will continue to do it even at great cost, for the sheer sake of doing it". Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi.... Plus