Rachel Beaird

united states

Rachel was born in the States but spent her first twelve years in Russia. When she moved back to the States to Colorado, she became very active in the snowboarding and rock climbing scenes. Her friend Kasia first introduced her to paragliding at Point of the Mountain, Utah. She took a tandem with her soon-to-be instructor Dale Covington and was instantly hooked. She then moved to the south side, living in her car, and learned to fly. Rachel says, "I am really thankful for paragliding because It introduced me to an amazing outdoor community. I have travelled to Colombia, Switzerland, and Turkey in the short time I’ve been flying. It has been adventure after adventure! This sport has allowed me to see and feel nature in a way that I never thought possible!" Rachel is keen to keep progressing and learning and one day would love to take her family tandem, to show them how amazing it truly is!

#Estados Unidos

  • Edad : 26
  • Vuela desde : 2020
  • Equipamiento actual : Base 2 Lite
  • Sitios top : Point of the Mountain, Utah Ölüdeniz, Turkey Roldanillo, Colombia
  • Show : Flight attendant
  • Rellenos para el mal tiempo : Snowboarding, climbing, hiking
Compañeros de equipo
