Getting 'The SIV Bible'
I am getting quite a few questions from people who are having trouble getting hold of the SIV Bible.
First thing is that you need an iPad. You cannot look at the book on a Mac or an iphone at the moment.
The reason for this is that the Mac and iphone both read different formats to the iPad. Only the ipad can give you the full experience of a multitouch book.
Also there is no android version available. I am working on French and German translations at the moment as well.
So one you have your ipad you need to connect to one of the following 32 ibook stores to download it. This is every ibook store that apple will let me put it on. There are some big countries missing from this list such as Japan, Russia and India and I am trying to get Apple to allow me also to publish in more countries around the world.
Price is around 20 Euros but depends on the country.
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