Our Tala in the Thermik Magazin Review
Magazine’ s Test team has just compared some of the latest EN C wings including
our Tala. The review was published in the March 2014 issue, and they rated the
Tala as a C1 wing (easiest level of the C class).
The Tala,
titled as "The Elegant", was reported to have a very good starting
behaviour and the ground handling performance and was the favourite of the
entire test team. In flight, the solid and stable wing gives damped feedback,
giving good information to the pilot and in thermal flight the Tala has an
outstanding climbing performance. The Tala is referred to a 'bridge builder'
between the EN- B and EN -C class, and he is more damped in flight than many EN
-B rated wings. As a summary, the test team wrote, "The Tala turns
perfectly flat, but is still lively and very pleasant to fly"
Some comments from the test pilots:Norbert Aprissnig: "...my personal favourite was the Tala...."Hannes Pfanzelt: "....Bruce Goldsmiths Tala left a very balanced Impression and it is an outstanding all-rounder with a high fun factor...."
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