Sylvain started paragliding with mini-wings, being mainly interested in hike & fly and soaring. But then he became more and more attracted by XC flying, so he started flying with a “regular” glider in May 2015. It was a BGD Base and he felt in love with this wing! It was a pleasure to improve his skills with this glider, discovering XC and flying more and more over the following years.
He enjoys cross-country flying, but also hike and fly. He took part in his first hike & fly competition in 2018. He also loves to share his passion for flying with tandem flights, and loves going XC with friends on the tandem.
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Die BGD-Team-Piloten Anne-Sophie, Julie und Sylvain fliegen die Vol et Ski Challenge - ein Skifahren und Präzisions-Gleitschirmfliegen Wettbewerb, bei dem die Piloten von der Spitze der Skipiste starten und eine Strecke die Touch-and-Go,... Mehr