Bruce Goldsmith Design

Парапланы с индивидуальностью

Основатели Bruce Goldsmith Design

Она начиналась как небольшая компания, работающая в гараже, но Bruce Goldsmith Design в настоящее время является ведущим производителем качественных парапланов и оборудования, связанного с парапланеризмом. Отдел исследований и разработок, вдохновленный Брюсом, базируется на юге Франции, где всегда светит солнце; офис распределения в Австрии, а завод в Шри-Ланке.

Семья BGD сильна, и мы все связаны нашей любовью к парапланеризму. Наша миссия - делиться своим спортом с друзьями и семьей. Нам нравится чувство связи с воздухом, и наши продукты разработаны с учетом этого. Мы производим безопасные, веселые и новые продукты, которые всегда поставляются в изысканной упаковке и инновационным качеством, которым славятся BGD.

Основатели Bruce Goldsmith Design



R & D
Брюс Голдсмит

BGD назван в честь Брюса, управляющий директор и руководитель группы разработчиков. Полет в ДНК Брюса. Он научился летать на дельтаплане в качестве студента-инженера в London’s Imperial College в 1980-х годах и быстро достиг вершины британского дельтапланеризма, выиграв Суперлигу в 1991 году. Он был в британской команде дельтапланеризма в течение десятилетия с 1986 года, и стал дважды чемпионом Великобритании по дельтапланеризму. С 1989 года он также входил в британскую команду по парапланеризму, трижды становясь чемпионом Великобритании по парапланеризму, и получил звание пилота WPRS # 1 и Чемпиона Мира в 2007 году.

Родившийся в Лондоне Брюс сейчас живет на юге Франции со своей женой Арной и тремя детьми. Основатель Airwave Paragliders and Ozone, он разработал для Advance два года, прежде чем основал BGD в 2012 году. Писатель, докладчик и преподаватель, Брюс регулярно ведет колонку в журнале Cross Country и является президентом APPI (Ассоциация пилотов-парапланов и Инструкторы).



Арна Голдсмит

Арна была первой исландской женщиной, которая начала летать на дельтаплане в возрасте 17 лет, ее отец дельтапланерист переманил ее из парашютного спорта. Он купил ей дельплан Wills Wing Harrier, и это была любовь с первого взгляда! Арна участвовала в нескольких кельтских кубках в Ирландии и Уэльсе, встречаясь со звездами Британской лиги, но она не знала Брюса до случайной встречи на автостоянке на юге Франции в 1997 году.

Когда тестпилот Брюса потерпел крушение и уничтожил ее новые дельтаплан от Airwave Magic, он одолжил ей параплан, который положил начало ее карьеры на параплане. Арна и Брюс поженились в 1997 году, и Арна много летала, сопровождая Брюса до 14 соревнований в год. Затем, в течение нескольких лет полеты отошли в сторону, потому что Арна сосредоточилась на семье но теперь дети выросли, и она вернулась в небо, где ей и положено, на BGD Magic.



Кристоф Шеер

Полетная карьера Кристофа отчасти началась благодаря его девушке в то времемя, в далеком 2002 году. Он научился летать на параплане возле своего дома в Вольфсберге, Австрия, и сразу же влюбился в спорт, полетав на своем параплане Airwave несколько больших маршрутных полетов и побив рекорд в 100 км с большим отрывом. Он продолжал соревноваться в высшей лиге Австрии. Инженер по профессии, его трудовая жизнь вовлекла его в ряд крупных строительных проектов, включая строительство мостов через Австрию и Сербию для PORR, одной из крупнейших строительных компаний Австрии.

В 2012 году Кристоф соблазнился другой жизнью, и покинул строительный мир и объединил усилия с Брюсом и Арной в новом захватывающем проекте - создании BGD. Кристоф все еще живет в Вольфсберге со своей женой Милой и сыном Максимилианом, где он управляет европейским отделением BGD из офиса и распределения в Австрии.



Lucas Bonin

Lucas Bonin


Lucas started paragliding when he was 15 years old. He has always been interested in aircraft and how they fly, and studied aerodynamics at ENAC, the Ecole Nationale de l'Aviation Civile (National Civil Aviation School) in Toulouse. He works for BGD in research and development.

Tyr Goldsmith

Test pilot, graphics

Bruce and Arna's eldest son, Tyr was born into paragliding and has flourished. He has already won numerous paragliding competitions (US Nationals, Rio Cup, Weightless...) and loves everything related to the air. He is a test pilot and graphic designer for BGD.

Tyr Goldsmith
César Arevalo

César Arevalo

Acro test pilot

César is a professional acro pilot from Colombia. He has been flying since the age of 11, and started working as a tandem pilot at just 14 but acro has always been his number-one passion. From his first competitions at just 19, he quickly rose to the top and has stood on many podiums in individual and synchro categories.

Val Gilet

Test pilot

A keen XC and hike-and-fly competition pilot, Valentin his sights set on a PWC Superfinal and maybe one day the X-Alps. He studied maths at the university of Chambéry before following his heart into the paragliding world to become a tandem professional and instructor. He joined BGD as a test pilot in 2024.

Val Gilet
Mila Scheer

Mila Scheer

Office Manager

Mila lives in Wolfsberg, with her husband Christoph and son Maximillian, where she helps manage the Austrian office and distribution centre.

Maria Baumgartner

Accounts / Book-keeping


Maria works in the accounts department in the Austrian office. A mother of two, she loves to travel, and enjoys skiing, snowboarding and tennis in her spare time.

Maria Baumgartner
Irena Koler

Irena Koler

Shipping Austria

Irena lives in Slovenia, near the Austrian border, and looks after stock and shipping at BGD’s warehouse in Austria. Before moving to BGD she was a wood technology engineer for 25 years. She loves the great outdoors and beautiful landscapes, but she feels most connected to nature through her sports – paragliding, mountaineering, skiing, cycling and surfing.

Kay Arianpour

IT guru

Kay is a paraglider pilot who is enthusiastic about hike & fly, and a kiteboarder who likes to go far in the sea. He has been a computer programmer since 1994. He lives in Fethiye close to the famous paragliding site of Ölüdeniz, and is here to boost the BGD IT infrastructure.

Kay Arianpour
Nikola Dukleski

Nikola Dukleski

Software developer

Nikola has a short history of flying, but a passion for writing long lines of code. An in-house developer, he is responsible for the enterprise resource planning (ERP) system, making sure every part of the process runs smoothly. He lives with his wife and his two children next to the oldest lake in Europe, Ohrid. He loves playing guitar and travelling.


Anthony GREEN, Test Pilot/Social Media

Anthony GREEN

Graphic Design / Film

By age 16 Ant’s passion for adventure led him to paragliding. He has flown competitively since 2004 in acrobatics and cross country. Studying film, business and math he has been with BGD since the start bringing all the wild colors to the products. Ant is currently our graphic and in-house film guy and lives and works out on the open sea.

Charlie King

Team pilot manager / Editor/ Graphics

Charlie’s first paragliding flight was back in 1994, a 21st birthday gift that has kept on giving! She now flies a Echo 2, a far cry from the parachute used on that first tow launch in rural England. She lives with her family in southern France and is a daytime desk jockey who works on BGD’s newsletters, manuals, and brochures.

Charlie King
Agata Dominguez

Agata Dominguez

Social Media & communications

Agata is a bubbly Spaniard, based in Interlaken. A graduate in journalism, filmmaking and motion graphics, she is also passionate about photography and of course, paragliding. She’s been combining these passions since 2015, and is our social media guru. You'll find her, always smiling, with a camera on take-off, or working behind a screen.

Sales agents

Blaise Brogan

Blaise Brogan

Sales Team Leader

Blaise learned to fly in 2009 and soon after became involved in guiding and social media for PG/PPG brands. A former tree surgeon and windsurfing instructor he has always sought adventure. He works with RISE Paragliding in SIV and ACRO, and this role was instrumental in bringing about the EPIC FreeStyle. Blaise heads up BGD's sales team and looks after our UK sales.


Sales France

David CHAUMET works with R&D, and runs a service center. He has been flying sailplanes, paragliders, hang gliders, and UL aircraft since 1989 and was part of the French hangliding and paragliding team from 2002 to 2008 winning several world championship podiums in class 5 hang gliders! He's specialized in composite materials and electrical engines for aeronautical applications. Check out his electric Swift and electric paraglider.

Lucas Machado

Lucas Machado

Sales Brazil

Lucas is a medical doctor, and took up hang gliding in the early ‘80s. He flew Airwave hang gliders and paragliders – his first paraglider in 1993 was a Bruce design. He and Bruce have been friends since then, and Lucas has been with BGD from the start. He’s since thrown in the stethoscope to be BGD’s Brazilian importer. “Still working while others play”, he sighs!

Alex Schweig

Sales Austria

Born and raised in Peru but now based in the Austrian Alps, Alex is on a lifelong quest to discover and master all types of flying, from coastal soaring, to acro, hike and fly, and most recently, the Paragliding World Cup. An avid outdoor sportsman, he now manages BGD Sales in Austria where his colourful personality is a match for the most colourful brand out there!

Alex Schweig
Yan Chen

Yan Chen

Sales Southeast Asia

Yan discovered paragliding while in Nepal in 2012, a life-changing experience that led to her quitting her management consultancy career to pursue her love of free-flight. With a background in journalism and public communication, Yan is now a paragliding freelance writer and Chinese interpreter / translator, sometimes she’s even the Chinese commentator / host in flying events. Yan currently lives in Spain, and looks after BGD’s southeast Asia sales.

Mario Koller

Sales Germany

Mario lives, breaths, and dreams paragliding. He is always smiling and strives to share his passion with everyone. Mario lives and works mostly from home in Nesselwang, Germany.

Mario Koller
Benedikt Bös

Benedikt Bös

Sales Germany PPG

Another medical man, orthopaedic technician and prosthetics-maker Bene was infected with the flying bug at the age of 16. Powered paragliding is the bug that has bitten the hardest, and Bene is an international competitor in classic and endurance paramotoring. He is also a PPG test pilot and has headed up BGD’s motor division since 2013.

Claudia Riquelme

Sales Latin America

Claudia started paragliding in 1994, and since the beginning of the millennium has worked as a professional journalist and translator specialized in paragliding and paramotor. With a deep knowledge of the sport and the Spanish-spoken scene, she oversees our sales in Spain and Latin America.

Claudia Riquelme
Raphael Laghi

Raphael Laghi

Sales International PPG

Coming from a family of pioneering pilots in Brazil, Flying is part of Raphael's DNA. He has been flying paragliders and paramotors since 2008 and works as an instructor and tandem pilot in Sri Lanka and Europe. He is passionate about XC across Brazil and paramotoring over the Amazon. Raphael knows our paramotor range well and is our international paramotor sales guy.

Anna Darchenkova

Media creator


Anna was born and raised in the Caucasus mountains. She started paragliding in 2007 and was instantly hooked. She is an interior designer by trade but has put her artistic life aside for now and made paragliding her life. Anna is working and traveling all over the world. She is a highly skilled media creator.

Anna Darchenkova
Masta (Francesco Delpiano)

Masta (Francesco Delpiano)

Sales Italy


Masta, born Francesco Delpiano, was infected with the paragliding virus in 2012 during a trip to Nepal. In 2018, thanks to his friend Malcom Deodati, he started flying under the colours of BGD. He lives with his partner Alessia and his son Theo in the north west of the Alps, works as a show technician and keeps an eye on sales for BGD. If he doesn't answer the phone he is probably smiling under the clouds or on a mountain take-off somewhere!

Navid Saleki

International Paramotor Sales

Half Swedish, Half Iranian, Navid grew up in Sweden and has lived in many places. His background is in mechanical/business engineering, and he has been passionate about extreme sports since he started learning to ride a bicycle. After reaching the top in freestyle BMX riding he turned to the sky. After skydiving and paragliding, now his big passion is paramotoring. Navid is rooted in the paramotor and paratrike world.

Navid Saleki
Val Tanniger

Val Tanniger

Sales Switzerland

Valentin has been flying since the age of 21, first on planes, then moving to paragliders, drawn to it by the simplicity of an aircraft in a bag you can hike with. He loves flying vol-biv with friends, or combining it with skiing or biking – he is an avid cyclist. He studied geomorphology and is cares deeply about our environment.

Naveen Ravi

Sales India

Born and raised in India, Naveen played competitive basketball until the age of 21. He discovered paragliding at 23, and XC then Acro soon followed. He has worked around the world in social media and completed a BA in International Business Management. Naveen is based in India for most of the year, but works in the UK at a paragliding school during India's monsoon season, and in Ölüdeniz for the same school teaching SIV and Acro.

Naveen Ravi


Franck Largeault

Franck Largeault


Franck learnt to fly after a bet with his brother in 2019 and immediately fell in love with the sport. He is a trail runner, father, and general outdoor enthusiast. He has already flown several nice triangles around his home site of Aix-les-Bains and plans to break the site distance record. He is a specialist in outdoor sports marketing strategy and helps BGD with branding, social media, and marketing.